Business Social Compliance Initiative

Social responsibility
- for employees and suppliers


As a company, Sotex wants to show social responsibility - both for our own employees and our suppliers. We trade with suppliers in countries known for good working conditions and environmental considerations.

It is a high priority for us to do business only with businesses that have decent conditions for their employees and that take the environment into account. We do this, among other things, by trading with businesses that are controlled by Amfori BSCI.

Amfori is a large, international, well-organized organization, which monitors that the factories and operations meet a large number of requirements. There are demands on working conditions, pay, discrimination, child and forced labour, corruption, environmental concerns and much more.

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Code of Conduct

Amfori's Code of Conduct:

  • Social management system and spillover effect
  • Employees' right to co-determination and protection
  • Right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • No occurrence of discrimination, violence and harassment
  • Fair pay Decent working hours
  • Work environment and safety
  • No incidence of child labour
  • Special protection for young workers
  • No occurrence of unsafe employment conditions
  • No incidence of debt slavery, forced labor or human trafficking
  • Environmental protection
  • Ethical business conduct
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    Amfori uses external and independent inspectors, who visit the participating factories and operations and evaluate all points annually. These reports are delivered to all members of Amfori. It is with pleasure that Sotex can keep an eye on that our suppliers always have an eye on the above points.

    When Sotex as a buyer places these demands on our suppliers, we hopefully help to create better social, environmental and financial benefits for everyone.

    Read more about BSCI @
